traveler, photographer, creative
I spent my childhood snapping away on point-and-shoot cameras and making goofy videos with friends, so when I stumbled across YouTube during a summer in college I couldn’t resist creating a channel. I found myself spending all of my spare time making videos. After a couple of years of struggling to choose a major in school, I decided to follow my interests and get a degree in broadcasting.
By the time I graduated, my YouTube channel had grown and blogging had started to become a “thing.” While the safe choice would have been to apply for traditional broadcasting jobs, I decided to roll the dice and see what I could accomplish as an online creator. I’ve never looked back.
In January 2018, I made it my New Year’s Resolution to begin solo traveling. I’ve since traveled alone all over the world, sharing my experiences through photographs and cinematic videos. I hope to encourage other women to embrace the adventure of exploring by themselves.
I love what I do because it allows me to harness my creativity and share my passion of photography, videography, and travel with like-minded people. The digital space is constantly evolving and I’ve loved the journey so far. On this blog, I’m excited to take you along with me.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.”